Scottish comedy series “Two Doors Down” tells us about how not easy now and then to get on with neighbors who behave unnaturally. The main characters are the young couple, Bat and Eric, is running off their legs to find ways to coexist with two absolutely insane families. Every single day brings them a new challenge, as if the neighbors look like agreed to piss the couple off. Bat’s and Eric’s attempts to ignore nearby psychos and stay more at sweet home were unsuccessful, as you sure have to go out sometimes for different reasons. So the encounters with mad neighbors continue and bring the audience to unrestrained laughter.
Original Title: Two Doors Down
Country: UK
Release Date: 2019
Genres: Comedy
Creator: Arabella Weir
Cast: Arabella Weir, Alex Norton, Jonathan Watson, Elaine C. Smith
Runtime: 28 min
Language: English